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    in the Washburn Memorial Library


We have a brand new area created just for patrons who would like to conduct research or look for ancestors.  The Barbara Porter room, downstairs in our library, now houses 2 cabinets with important materials, along with wall cabinets containing many Washburn records.  There is a lovely library table available for you to use and if you need online access, you can use one of our ipads.  Just outside of the room are book stacks containing our excellent Maine collection. All of these books are cataloged and can be found in our Card Catalog (see link at the top of this page).  

If you are doing genealogy research, you need to know that you will always have access to while you are in the library. 

The following lists identify what you will find in the Barbara Porter room.

Glass  Cabinet (furthest from the entry door)

  • Washburn Town Reports - 1895 - present

  • Large Record Book of Town Meeting Reports from 1911-1929

  • Perham Town Reports (small) 1915-6, 1977, 1978, 1985-86, 1987-88, 1988-89, 1995, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

  • Wade Town Reports 1937 - 1981 notebooks; small pamphlets 1976-77, 1971-72, 1985-86, 1987-88, 2001, 2002, 2008

  • Wade Town Reports from 1899-1967 - 2 notebooks prepared and given to the library by Catherine (Drost) Tilley, Allen Levi Drost, & David Wayne Drost in memory of parents Byron P. Drost, Grace M. Farley, and brother John M. Drost ***Please note that these notebooks are in the other glass cabinet because of their large size.


  • Yearbooks

Das Nordland  1907, 1912, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919 

The Northland 1919 - present


  • Census


 Washburn Wade 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900 - notebook

 Washburn Wade 1920, 1930 notebooks

 Wade 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900

 Perham 1870, 1900


  • Washburn Voting List 1894

  • Perham - loose-leaf history including land tracks, marriage intentions, school paper, genealogy records of Dickinson & Shaw

  • Perham:  Town of Perham; People, Places, Past. Present : 1867 - 1897 - 1997

       Created by the Perham Ladies Group


  • Washburn:  100 Years of Progress 1861-1961 - compiled by the Washburn Jaycees

  • Washburn; 150 Years of Memories - by Louise Cole & Londa Brown

Glass  Cabinet (closest to the entry door). Genealogy Notebooks and miscellaneous information

Family Genealogy Records which have been donated to the Library:

929                 Shaw Genealogy compiled by Daniel Turner, donated by Herbert Shaw

929.2 BLA R   A brief history: Lollins, Long, Blackstone, Austin by Reubene E. Long Blackstone for                                         daughter Barbara Ann Blackstone, Dempsey

929.2 BON R  The Origin of the Bondeson Family in ME  by Carol Bondeson

929.2 BUB R  The Bugbee Family History compiled by Nancy Patten Bubar

929.2 BUG R  Descendants of Samuel S. Bugbee of Washburn, ME  by Mary & Wm. Linz

929.2 CRO R  Crouse Family History the Descendants of Philip & Sarah Crouse,1800 - 1875,  2nd ed.

929.2 CRO R  Crouse Family History

929.2 CRO R  Crouse Family History Researcher’s Supplement August 2007  - written by Roger Crouse

929.2 OVE R  Descendents of Jan Geryt Hermansz Overdam

929.2 PHI R   The Phinney Family History - by Nancy Patten Bubar

929.2 PAT R  The Patten family history by Nancy Patten Bubar

929,2 RAN R  The genealogy of the Randall Family 1776-1976 

929.2 SMI R   The Smith Family History - Nancy Patten Bubar

929.2 STO R  The Stoddard Family History - Nancy Patten Bubar


Cemetery Records:

929.5 UMP R  Crouseville Pioneer Cemetery  Old Parsons Rd Crouseville ME  Nov 2004

929.5 ZAP R  Riverside Cemetery, Washburn, ME  Linda J. Zapatka, Sept. 2016

Other records:

  • Odd Fellows Question Book for Washburn Industry Lodge #112: June 3, 1884-1960

  • Encyclopedia of Free Masonry from Wilder 1898  c. 1892 (1873)

  • Grange Records 1899

2nd book Grange Records 1906

3rd book Grange Records through 1910

  • Roster of ME in the World War  1917-1919 - 2 volumes


  • Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society; documents relating to the territorial history of ME  1603-1871 - 3 volumes


  • Washburn ME Comprehensive Plan 1965 (contains list of voters)

  • Yankee magazine with Randall article

  • Genealogical & Biographical Research a select catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications 1983

  • Women Pioneers in ME Art 1900-1945

  • 150 years of Methodism in Aroostook County & more by Patricia Thompson, 1990

  • Salmon Brook Historical Society Holdings -list in manila folder

  • Nettie Bull Recipes compiled by Laura Dahlgren Letellier 1998/2003

  • The Researchers guide to American Genealogy by Greenwood, 1981

Cabinets on the Wall (from Left to Right)

Cabinet 1 - Top:  Complete set of Echo Magazines; Papertalks, other ME magazines

Cabinet 1 - Bottom:  Valuation books with taxes assessed 1880-1939

Cabinet 2 - Top:  Maine Revised Statutes 1964, Legislative Record 1917 - 1974, ME House Journal 1919

Cabinet 2 - Bottom:  Valuation books with taxes assessed 1940 - 

Cabinet 3 - Top:  Dorothy Boone Kidney research and records

Cabinet 3 - Bottom:  Town of Washburn  1892-1934 expenditures

On the wall outside of the Barbara Porter room at the top:

Maine Register 1916 - 2013 (with several issues missing)

Maine Digest 1820-1879

Maine, a History 19 volumes from 3 different sets

  Set #1:

  • Resources, attractions & its people, 1928 - 4 volumes (2 sets)

   Set #2:

  • Maine, a History, 1919 - 4 volumes

  • Maine Biographies, 1919 - 2 volumes. 

  Set #3:

  • Modern Maine, it's historic background, people and its resources, 1951, - 4 volumes


As you can see, we have some excellent materials for you to use in your research.  We would like to ask you to please share your genealogy research if you are researching Washburn ancestors.  If you have something that you think might be a good addition to our collection, we would be happy to talk with you.  

Resources located in the County that are available online:

Maine Memory Network - The Maine Memory Network, a project of the Maine Historical Society, provides access to thousands of historical items belonging to over 270 organizations from across Maine. 

Mark & Emily Turner Memorial Library, Presque Isle:

Caribou Public Library

Mars Hill Digital Archives

Cary Public Library, Houlton

Long Lake Public Library, St. Agatha


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Monday        CLOSED

Tuesday        9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday  9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Thursday      9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday           9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Saturday      CLOSED

Sunday         CLOSED 

1290 Main Street
Washburn, ME   04786
(207) 455-4814

Cara Miller

Library Director


Courtney Howe
Children's Librarian


2021  Webmaster

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