Annual Town Report
Washburn Memorial Library
Enriching Lives. Inspiring Minds. Creating Community
1290 Main Street ~ Phone # 207-455-4814
Hours: Tuesday - Friday
9:30am - 4pm
Here’s what your library card gets you!
Free patron library cards
A collection of over 13,000 various materials
24/7 WI-FI Internet access, public lap top, + Maine Digital Library
Printing, copying, faxing
Seed Gardening Library
Book Fairs
Youth Summer & Winter Reading Programs
Toddler Story Time
DIY Take & Make Kits
Adult Yoga Class
Book Locker (to pick up your books after hours)
Book Drop Box (to drop off your books after hours)
Book Clubs: Teatime Virtual Book Club and Books & Brews Social Hour
August Fest events
Valentine's Blind Date with a Book
Genealogy (with access to in-house)
Interlibrary Loan
CloudLibrary (offers online e-books and audio books)
Access to over 13,000 Items
Books, magazines
Maine section
Large print books
Audiobooks (CDs)
CloudLibrary (eBooks, audiobooks)
Digital Maine Library (online databases)
Bendable ME Learning Platform
Digital Maine Library
The Digital Maine Library provides access to 64 online resources that include a collection of articles and abstracts from magazines, newspapers, journals, and reference. It also provides students, businesses, library patrons, and educators the ability to use online resources and learning tools on topics such as:
Ancestry Business Collection
Chilton’s Automotive
Hobbies & Crafts
Home Improvement
Learning Express
Gale Cengage
Maine Memory Network
Maine News
National Geographic Kids
Peterson’s Career Prep
Pronunciator Language Learning
Community Space: Barbara Porter Room
Community classes and programs
Toddler Time group
Quiet space- Reading, tutoring, meetings, community groups
Our 2023 Numbers
Total circulation item # = 4929 Checked In / 4975 Checked Out / 527 Renewed
Total patron count/headcount # of individual library uses = 3,500
Children’s Library
It has been a busy year of children's programs and activities plus some other special events. Here are some things that have been enjoyed by different age groups.
Toddler Time numbers have doubled since last year. We now have 20 to 25 children attending each Wednesday morning.
Summer and Winter reading programs have been a huge success with 15 to 20 children participating in each one.
Teddy bear sleepover was held during the August Festival.
Christmas, Valentine's, and Easter children's parties included reading, craft activities, and special snacks.
Outdoor story time was held in January, and a scavenger hunt was enjoyed by the children.
Homeschooling group has visited to learn library skills.
National crayon month was observed during March.
Dr. Seuss Day was celebrated on March 2nd.
Flower gardening was a special project for the toddlers and homeschooling group. We were able to enjoy the raised flower beds that were donated by a local family.
Lego Club was held in conjunction with the Washburn Recreation Department.
Monthly craft kits are prepared for interested crafters.
Washburn Recreation Department's senior group has enjoyed craft times and socializing.
It was a wonderful year of serving, learning, and reading!
Thank you for supporting your local library,
Cara Miller, Library Director
Courtney Howe, Children’s Librarian